This was an evening flight - we didn’t take off until 10:30, but this made it easier. The girls slept through most of the journey - Lara in the
bassinet, and Emma curled up on the floor after watching Mamma Mia for the 3rd time! (she says this is the highlight of the trip so far) We grown-ups were exhausted after the trip and shocked by the heat in Brisbane, after the rainy weather in Taiwan. (We didn't know what was in store for us though...)
I was about to write to you wondering if you have a blog or so :) Cooolestest!! We will surely be frequent visitors!
Take care, big kisses and you guys consider yourselves a role model family (for us anyway)! You are so courageous!
It was a pleasure to see the pictures of your flight. I am sorry to hear that you have such a bad weather at the beach. But I hope you will have a good time anyway.
Our travel is fantastic. We had 3 wonderful days at the Lake Titicaca and now are in La Paz. Tomorrow we leave for Arica (Chile) and will spend one day at the seashore.
Szia Dorka és szép kis családja!
Elküldtem az adószámod!
Puszi;vili :)
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